
The information on the My Spirit Soul page is only meant to be used as general knowledge. We work hard to ensure the information on this website is correct and up to date. Still, we don’t promise or guarantee that it will be complete, accurate, reliable, useful, or available for any reason. This includes but isn’t limited to the information, products, services, or graphics found on this website. Because of this, you should only rely on this material at your own risk.

Content Responsibility

Website information for My Spirit Soul is the responsibility of both My Spirit Soul and the people who write for it. Even though the information is meant to be useful and educational, we can’t promise that it is correct. Before you count on any information, we encourage you to check it out. The thoughts and feelings on our website belong to the people who wrote them, not necessarily My Spirit Soul or its managers.

Not Intended As Professional Advice

If you find insights, interpretations, or advice on this website about Angel Number and Archangel, for example, you shouldn’t take it as expert advice. It shouldn’t be used to make important choices in your life. You should only use the content for fun and not as accurate or trustworthy information for making personal, financial, legal, or other choices.

Links to External Websites

There may be links to other websites on ours. These links are given to you for knowledge and ease of use. We don’t have any say over what’s on these websites, so we can’t promise that they will work or be accurate. The fact that a link is there doesn’t mean that My Spirit Soul agrees with the other website or its content.


My Spirit Soul might put ads on its website at some point in the future. Our audience and readers know that we are honest with them because we use a “Sponsored Tag” with a “No-Follow” link to a referral website.  There is advertising on My Spirit Soul, but that doesn’t mean that I support the company or its goods or services.

Limitation of Liability:

The website for My Spirit Soul gives out information “as is,” with no guarantee or statement of any kind, either expressed or implied. There are no guarantees or representations made by My Spirit Soul that the material on its website is correct or complete. That being said, My Spirit Soul is not responsible for any loss or damage that happens because of or related to using this website. This includes but isn’t limited to, loss or damage that occurs because of something else happening.

No changes will be made to this warning at any time, so please read it often. Once changes and comments are posted on the website, they will be effective right away.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact us at contact.myspiritsoul@gmail.com